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Suffering in the Middle Ages

Sergei Zotov, Mikhail Maizuls, Dilshat Kharman

The book deals with Christian iconography and how the sacred intertwined with the comic, the monstrous and the obscene. Much of what today is considered outrageous sacrilege used to be totally alright in the Middle Ages, an era of almost universal religiosity. There are monkeys on margins of ancient texts, obscene figures on church walls, and saints with monstrous expressions. Where do such pictures come from and how do they relate to the subsequent development of what we call the world art? The first Russian popular science publication which covers so many subjects of medieval iconography was initiated by Suffering in the Middle Ages, group of history lovers with almost half a million members. More than 600 illustrations, unique texts and a bit of humour – that’s how we should talk about art.

Moscow: AST, 2018

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